Sunrise on 49


Sunrise on 49 by Chip Bunnell Photography

To me, a new day does not begin or end at midnight. After all, 11:59P and 12:01A look pretty much the same. To me, a new day is waiting and watching with anticipation as the sun begins its daily journey. Once the top tip becomes a glowing, bright ball and its rays streak across my field of vision, that is a new day!

So goes it for the start of a new year. No, not the New Year everyone watches from Times Square. This is much less celebrated new year, but it is MY new year!

It started over 17,500 days ago when two loving parents brought me into this world. Beyond life and love, they gave me a sense of right and wrong, a desire to succeed, belief that God loves me, and support as I ventured into our shared world. I have definitely made my fair share of mistakes, and perhaps even a few extra, but the founding principles my parents instilled in me still guides me daily.

Over 2,000 days ago a beautiful, loving woman entered my life and allowed me to learn and grow even more. Roughly 1,100 days ago she agreed to become my bride.  While finding each other later in life, I am so truly grateful for her love and companionship.

I always have believed that the journey is sometimes, or even often, better than the destination. The next 365 days is a journey to MY next new year. I am excited at the adventures, thrills and encounters I will meet. While I am so unbelievably grateful for all I have experienced, I am even more excited to share the journey with others and see what comes next!

Let the adventure begin!

Photo Stuff: Single frame, Processed in LR, Topaz Clarity and Topaz Adjust 5
©2015 All Rights Reserved

Yoga Backbend at Sunrise


Backbend at Sunrise by Chip Bunnell Photography

Click to Enlarge – See the Detail

I learned long ago an important truth: Each new sunrise brings new opportunities and possibilities.  Often, these opportunities come as a joyful surprise.  On a particularly gray morning in March, this was once again proven through the lens of my camera.

The sky was covered with thick, low clouds; a heavy fog blanketed the beach.  I ventured into the pre-dawn darkness, in hopes of capturing a moody image of a commercial fishing pier.  Even though I have photographed this location countless times, I had a new image in mind.  As I ventured to the beach, I made my previously-visioned images, moving from side to side under the massive structure.  It was then I noticed a new and unexpected sight – a beautiful woman performing a variety of yoga poses in the early morning light.  After introducing myself, I asked if I could make some quick images of her doing various yoga positions.  She smiled and agreed.

My willing subject was Susie, a Professional Yoga and Pilates instructor.  Her strength and control over her poses more than validated her credentials.  After several poses on the beach, she agreed to again assume her handstand backbend that originally caught my eye.  Hard edges of the pier structure were softened by the gentle curve she provided.  The soft morning light added a natural warmth and a natural glow to her skin.

For professional Yoga or Pilates instruction, contact Susie to schedule an appointment.  Be sure to check out her website:  You will enjoy her friendly manner as well as her knowledge of how to strengthen the human body.

Photo Stuff:  Single frame, natural light.  Processed in LR and Topaz Clarity
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