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Last week, I had the true honor of photographing another super fun wedding couple on their special day! The simple words “I DO” turned a seemingly ordinary Saturday into the incredible day Ms. Strippoli became Mrs. Quick. Surrounded by a large gathering of family and friends, all watched as two families became one.
Julia and Troy looked nothing short of amazing! Julia, surrounded by her mother and 5 of her dearest friends, transformed from her normal radiant self into a truly stunning bride. There was much laughter as each person did their part to help Julia realize her dream day. Her young daughter and son, Tatiana and Jionni, were on hand to frequently steal the show with their innocent playfulness.
Dorothy may have had her ruby slippers, but Julia had her own slippers that carried her down the aisle and later to the dance floor.

A touching moment for me was seeing Julia’s mother, Jodie, help Julia with the final details. Then mother Jodie simply paused to gaze upon the strong woman her once baby girl had become. What a privilege to witness this private moment.
As for Troy, he was surrounded by five of his closest male family and friends. Each had their own personalities, but all shared a common bond of bold, boisterous fun. One thing was clear – they were all there to support Troy and ensure nothing went astray as he prepared to take his bride.
After exchanging a poem that Troy wrote for Julia and then the touching, sentimental words Julia wanted Troy to hear, they each gladly said those two words that bonded them as one family.
Fear not, for this is not the end of their story, but only the end of this part of the day. More details and images will be revealed in the coming days. Until then, please join me in offering a hearty congratulations to Julia and Troy, now known as Mr. and Mrs. Quick!