UNDERWATER :: A Young Gray Angel


Chip Bunnell Photography Gray Angel FishWhere ever I go, I have some sort of a camera in my hand. There are many that make this same claim today, but there are far fewer that say that when they go in the water. How about when they go 70’ underwater…or more? Yep – that’s still me. Armed only with a full tank of air, a streamlined list of equipment on my body and camera rig that turns more than a head or two when I board, I visit another world with the goal of seeing what only a small percentage of our population ever experiences.

Standing on the back of a perfectly good boat and jumping into the wonders of the ocean below has been a favorite past time of mine for almost 25 years. Admittedly, when I first moved to Florida a few decades ago, I was not a fan of the state. It was not until I discovered the warm Caribbean waters that are less than a mile off the South Florida shores that I became mesmerized. Here, the world’s 3rd largest living reef thrives as the Gulf Stream brings a constant current of blue water and wonderful tropical fish to our very own backyard. While I enjoy the excitement and adventure of unique creatures in the watery wild, I still feel the need to bring back images to share with others. My camera rigs have evolved over the years, but my passion in this endeavor has never wavered.

A few days ago, my wife and I were able to enjoy a nice dive off of Pompano Beach on the reef “Razzle Dazzle”. The water was a bit green that day, but the visibility was good. Despite a bit of current, I was able to capture this Juvenile Gray Angel fish swimming around her coral home. The bold pattern and their naturally curious attitude makes this one of my favorite species. As she grows, she will retain much of her shape, but will trade in her striking black and yellow contrasting stripes for a more age-appropriate solid gray color. As an adult, she will, however, keep her flashy yellow color hidden on the inside of her pectoral fins as a reminder of her more youthful days on the reef.

Single Frame, Processed in LR and PS


SEASCAPE :: Sunset, Ocean and 19 Friends


Chip Bunnell Photography Travel Images from Boston Palm Beach FloridaWhat do you do when Beantown has a heat index of 101 on a July afternoon?  Find the nearest boat, meet roughly 280 people and head 26 miles off shore for a 3 hour tour.  Yes, there was a skipper, several that looked like they wanted to be Ginger and I had my own Mary Ann, but no, this was not part of a remake of a famous TV show from my youth.  It was a quest for adventure on the ocean with some of the largest inhabitants of our blue world…and a magnificent show of color for a closing treat.

One of my enjoyments in Boston during the summer is taking a whale watching tour.  This is one of only a few places you can be so close to these incredible creatures and witness some of their natural behaviors on their terms. There are no trainers or tricks, just observing them surfacing to catch a breath and then, with a high waving tale, descending to great depths. Sometimes they are seen in the distance and other times they come close…quite close…giving us wonderful view.  Inspired by the great novel from Herman Melville, I texted by bride, who was sitting right next to me mind you, the simple words “Calm me Ishmael.”  With a smile, she quickly replied with a witty quote from the same.  This continued for the duration of our trip.

After priceless encounter after encounter with a small group of humpback whales, it was time for our 120’ vessel to return to her home port in Boston Harbor.  The setting sun had not only cast a wonderful golden light on our aquatic friends, but now it was to treat us with a truly amazing show of rich colors for the closing act of the day.  While I knew I could never capture the full natural beauty we were enjoying, I wanted to capture the feeling of the moment through our eyes and the reaction of those around us.

To make this image, I used the perspective of the unique bow design of the boat to move your eye forward in the image towards the setting sun.  The soft cloud pattern added interest in the sky.  The near-white reflection in the water acts as a welcome map leading to the principle player in this play. I was careful to capture the gentle rim-light that outlined the 19 souls that frame the bottom edge of this image. It was truly the perfect end to a perfect adventure on a perfect day!

“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I’ll go to it laughing.”
― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick

Photo Tip: 3 Frame Hand-Held HDR, Processed in Photomatix Pro, LR and Topaz Clarity.

Travel Tip: Boston Harbor Cruises provides an excellent service for whale watching with frequent trips from Boston’s Long Wharf.
